Thursday, December 30, 2010

mesothelioma symptoms

A patient with mesothelioma typically demonstrates symptoms between 20 and 50 years after initial exposure to asbestos. The cancer can take decades to develop and symptoms do not arise until after the cancer is present. Many patients are unaware of the severity of their condition because mesothelioma symptoms often resemble those of less serious illnesses.

If you have a history of asbestos exposure, the primary cause of mesothelioma, it is best to seek immediate medical advice. Informing your doctor of previous asbestos exposure may alert them to the possibility of an asbestos-related disease. An early diagnosis can significantly impact a patient's mesothelioma life expectancy.

Early Symptoms of Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma symptoms rarely arise at an early stage, which is why the disease is commonly diagnosed at a late stage of development. In the interest of early detection, those who were exposed to asbestos but have not yet exhibited symptoms should undergo regular chest X-rays or pulmonary function tests to monitor any signs of asbestos inhalation.

When a doctor informs a patient of a mesothelioma diagnosis, patients and their loved ones may become very confused since the cancer is relatively unknown. provides a complimentary packet with comprehensive information about mesothelioma symptoms and next-step guidance following a diagnosis.

Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms

Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of the cancer, comprising approximately two-thirds of all mesothelioma cases. Known symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include:

* Persistent dry or raspy cough (typically non-productive, meaning there is little or no phlegm)
* Coughing up blood (hemoptysis)
* Difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia)
* Night sweats or fever
* Unexplained weight loss of 10 percent or more
* Fatigue
* Persistent pain in the chest or rib area, or painful breathing
* Shortness of breath (dyspnea) that occurs even when at rest
* The appearance of lumps under the skin on the chest

Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma occur as a result of thickening of the pleural membrane. This is caused by the rapid production of cancerous cells, which can lead to the buildup of fluid between membrane layers. Tissue thickening and fluid buildup place added pressure on the lungs, leading to reduced respiratory function.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms

Peritoneal mesothelioma accounts for approximately 25 to 30 percent of mesothelioma diagnoses. Symptoms of this type may include:

* Night sweats or fever
* Unexplained weight loss
* Swelling or pain in the abdomen
* Anemia
* Fatigue
* Diarrhea or constipation (in general, any change in bowel habits or regularity)
* Nausea or vomiting
* The appearance of lumps under the skin on the abdomen

Symptoms are caused by the thickening of the peritoneal membrane and the resulting buildup of fluid between membrane layers. These changes in membrane composition place pressure on the abdominal region and organs, causing a patient to demonstrate symptoms of the cancer.

Pericardial Mesothelioma Symptoms

Pericardial mesothelioma accounts for less than 5 percent of all mesothelioma cases. Symptoms are caused by thickening of the pericardial membrane and fluid buildup. Symptoms of this form of mesothelioma are known to include:

* Heart palpitations or irregular heartbeat
* Chest pain
* Difficulty breathing, even when resting (dyspnea)
* Fever or night sweats
* Generalized fatigue

Pericardial mesothelioma is so rare that the recognized body of symptoms is not as well-developed as with more common types of mesothelioma. It is a particularly difficult type of mesothelioma to diagnose and this correlates to a poor prognosis among pericardial mesothelioma patients.

Testicular Mesothelioma Symptoms

Testicular mesothelioma is an extremely rare form of cancer, as less than 100 cases of testicular mesothelioma have been recorded in the last 60 years. With so few cases recorded, very little is known about the symptoms of this disease. The only known symptom of testicular mesothelioma is the appearance of testicular lumps and the lumps may or may not be painful.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Causes Mesothelioma? Can You Prevent It?

Mesothelioma is closely related to asbestos. Mesothelioma is a relatively rare form of cancer that generates at a rate of about two thousand new cases per year in the U.S. Mesothelioma is seen to be more often found in men, as 70% to 80% of the medical histories of patients were men. This cancer has a strong connection with asbestos. Asbestos is a group of minerals that occur most often in old buildings with poor ventilation.

Asbestos is made of strong flexible fibers. it is used in several chemicals, mostly cement, floor coverings and textiles. When the tiny particles of asbestos are inhaled or swallowed, they represent serious health risks that are directly associated with lung cancer. Mesothelioma is a special type of cancer, it has a long latency period of 15-50 years, which means that the symptoms appear 30-50 years after the start of asbestos exposure.

Furthermore mesothelioma symptoms are not specific. The symptoms also occur in several other diseases, therefore mesothelioma testing is very important if you think you might have it. There are three prominent symptoms of mesothelioma which can not be overlooked. Trouble breathing or coughing, shortness of breath and a persistent cough which may be streaked with blood addition. Fatigue, weight loss and anorexia are just some of the other participating symptoms.

If you have been exposed to asbestos you should first tell your doctor and than immediatley seek the consultation of mesothelioma lawyers. Other symptoms are very rare hoarse voice, swelling of the face or neck, difficulty swallowing and pain in the lower abdomen. Cancer of the lining of the stomach is known as peritoneal mesothelioma. It is the fluid in the abdominal cavity than can cause abdominal pain and swelling. Significant symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are as follows: weight loss - Abdominal pain - Structure of fluid in the abdominal cavity - intestinal obstruction - abnormal blood clotting - abdominal mass and fever. Mesothelioma treatment depends on various factors such as location of cancer, stage of disease and age. The treatment of this cancer is done through either surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Sometimes, these treatments are combined to achieve better results. It is worth mentioning to your doctor if you feel you have been exposed to asbestos.
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Friday, December 24, 2010

Asbestos Exposure Locations

Unfortunately, because asbestos use was so widespread for so long, many people ran the risk of being exposed to unhealthy amounts of it prior to the late 1970’s. Occupational exposure, in particular, was the leading cause of human contact with asbestos. Those who directly handled asbestos and asbestos products, as well as those who worked in close proximity to this substance, are most at risk of developing an asbestos-related illness such as lung cancer or mesothelioma.
Occupational exposure, however, is not the only source of human contact with this material. People can be exposed to asbestos accidentally, as well, such as in the case of a building collapse or being caught in the aftermath of an earthquake. Some older buildings, including certain schools and residences, contain asbestos. Those who are inside of these structures on a regular basis may develop asbestos-related complications.

Occupation Exposure :

There are a number of workplaces and occupations that exposed mass numbers of people to dangerous levels of asbestos. Of course, asbestos mines and processing plants were key locations of occupational exposure. However, a number of other work locations put workers in hazardous contact with asbestos. Power and manufacturing plants, shipyards, metalworks, and refineries were all prime locations for this incidental exposure.
Certain occupations, as well, put workers at much higher risk of asbestos exposure. The following are all jobs that carry with them an elevated chance of exposure:
  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Firefighters
  • Auto workers
  • Construction workers
  • Machinists
  • Shipyard workers
Many times, these laborers deal directly with asbestos-containing products, such as insulation or other job-related materials and products.

Exposure in U.S. Armed Forces :

Asbestos was widely used in a number of products and applications used by the U.S. Armed Forces for many years. In particular, Navy veterans who worked onboard warships and with the following items likely came into contact with elevated levels of asbestos:

* Insulation
* Steam pipes
* Cement
* Hot water piping
* Gaskets
* Brakes and clutches
* Boilers, turbines, and generators

This means that those who spent the majority of their time under the deck in low-ventilation rooms, working on ship processes, likely inhaled very dangerous amounts of asbestos. Those who worked in shipyards on these products also exposed themselves to dense amounts of asbestos.

However, the Navy is not the only branch of the Armed Forces that exposed its members to asbestos products. All sectors – Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Army – all utilized unsafe, asbestos-containing items and insulation.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mesothelioma Hope and Help

The detrimental nature of being diagnosed with mesothelioma has become widely recognized, and the unfortunate fact that asbestos-related illnesses are far reaching is only lately becoming understood. While most mesothelioma patients have had jobs where they have had a higher than average contact with asbestos, it is now apparent that they brought home more than just hugs to their family members at the end of a long day.

Asbestos-related illnesses including mesothelioma take many years to show their full effects, and often family members are now reporting cases of mesothelioma simply from their exposure on the clothing their hard working loved one.

After over 50 years of unregulated asbestos usage throughout the United States, the number of mesothelioma lawsuit cases skyrocketed. Attorneys were forced to become asbestos specialists, and mesothelioma lawyers soon realized they were dealing with a long term epidemic.

In April 2003, it was suggested that the number of mesothelioma cases had peaked, but mesothelioma lawyers disagree as their rate for filing mesothelioma lawsuits has once again begun a steady incline. mesothelioma lawyers fear that their clients will not be able to bring enough companies into accountability as there is an overload of mesothelioma lawsuits floating through district specific courtrooms.

New York mesothelioma lawyers predict there will be a huge influx over the next ten years when the devastation of 911 is taken into account. The free floating asbestos that circulated through the city can have staggering effects on mesothelioma lawsuits nationwide and perhaps even worldwide.

If you are in need of reaching a mesothelioma settlement in order to take care of your medical needs as well as your family's financial future, mesothelioma lawyers can assist you in understanding your rights to file a mesothelioma lawsuit. mesothelioma settlements are designed to protect your family in the event of your financial loss, as well as protect your family from the financial devastation that asbestos related cancers can cause on a family's income and ability to provide.

Mesothelioma lawyers predict that many people who were affected from the 911 destruction do not realize they have the right to sue the city. While numerous people, whether it was their job or not, risked their lives for the sake of others, the city has yet to come to a reasonable mesothelioma settlement with those who were there to protect and serve, including those in governmental positions at the time. Do not hesitate to contact a mesothelioma lawyer even if you simply suspect you are carrying an asbestos-related illness. Time is precious, and a mesothelioma lawyer can help you make the most of your time.
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Houston Mesothelioma Attorneys: A Rare Breed

Have you been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, a devastating and rare cancer caused exclusively by repeated exposure to asbestos? What do you do now? How will you cope with the financial costs in treating this illness? Are you in pain or having trouble breathing? Do you need help from a professional to help you cope with this illness?

If any of these questions apply to you, the first thing to do after you are diagnosed is to seek an experienced mesothelioma attorney who specializes in cases of asbestos-related cancers like Mesothelioma. You may be entitled to a monetary award from your former employer to cover your medical bills, pain and suffering, and punitive damages if your employer was blatantly negligent in failing to provide you with protective measures. You will need a mesothelioma attorney to assist you in bringing a civil court action against your former employer. Since mesothelioma is a very serious cancer, if you should die of this illness, your family can work with your mesothelioma attorney in a wrongful death action, holding accountable the employer who may have negligently caused your death. Again, an experienced mesothelioma attorney will assist your family in obtaining a fair settlement or court judgment.

Mesothelioma attorneys who are exceptionally skilled in this area of law are difficult to find. You do not want a novice who has never tried a case like this before! These cases require extensive medical knowledge and the ability to seek out information that will help you win your case. Thus, when looking for a mesothelioma attorney, be sure to ask questions about how many of these cases the attorney has handled, and what is his/her "win" record.

It's no secret that mesothelioma is a severe form of cancer with a poor prognosis. You should keep your mesothelioma attorney advised of how your medical condition is either improving or deteriorating. You will also need to sign a release of information so that your mesothelioma attorney can speak with your physician and mental health provider about your condition.

Your physician can refer you to an experienced Houston mesothelioma attorney. Houston is a large metropolis with many lawyers. Instead of simply picking one at random from the phone book, get a referral! Mesothelioma support groups and many psychotherapists can help you find the very best Houston mesothelioma attorney. This is not a matter to leave to chance or take lightly. While you are undergoing treatment, your mesothelioma attorney in Houston, Texas will already be working on your case to find out how you contracted mesothelioma and whether or not your employer provided you with mandatory proper equipment to protect yourself against asbestos exposure. You will work as a team. Together you will come to an equitable settlement.
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Monday, December 20, 2010

The History of Mesothelioma Lawsuits

The law caught up to mesothelioma a long time ago, even if it seems that mesothelioma is more of a modern concern. True, today's tests can more easily detect mesothelioma than before, but asbestos manufacturers have been receiving lawsuits against them since 1929. Asbestos has been seen as a danger since as early as the 1890s, even if they didn't know what to call the disease which erupted from the inhalation and exposure. People have been seeking compensation not only for medical costs, but also for the pain and the suffering which come from having to deal with a chronic health condition.

No Federal Laws... Yet

What's interesting about mesothelioma cases is that while they have been tried up to the United States Supreme court, there are no federal laws in place which discuss the compensation available to victims of mesothelioma and other related asbestos conditions. However, estimates today put the compensation levels for mesothelioma at upwards of a billion dollars. This is no small price which has been paid to those suffering from mesothelioma and asbestosis. Without any regulation as to how much needs to be paid to those suffering, many patients end up without the compensation they truly deserve for their health woes.

The Discovery of the Link Between Mesothelioma and Asbestos

While many scientists and patients were beginning to see the link between asbestos and their disintegrating health, it wasn't until the 1960s that the link became proven in a lab situation. In an article published by Wagner and other experts, the condition of mesothelioma was seen in over 30 case studies of people who had been exposed to asbestos in South Africa and were subsequently found to have symptoms of mesothelioma. This was an amazing finding since there were so few cases of mesothelioma that had been reported. Then, in 1962, McNulty discovered that mine workers were also being stricken by mesothelioma and the condition proved to cause cancer. The only possible causal link was the worker's term at an asbestos mine from 1948 to 1950.

No Protection for Workers?

These are just a few examples of the dangers of mesothelioma and why the legal system began to step in to take action. Because these workers are unable to work once diagnosed with mesothelioma, they need to be properly compensated, especially when their employers were not willing to provide them the proper protective gear in order to prevent the mesothelioma in the first place. With the proper equipment, workers can safely work with asbestos and other dangerous materials, without fear of causing health effects later in life.

With the proper legal support, those with mesothelioma can get the compensation they deserve and the resources they need to fight for their rights. While not all cases are going to result in large payouts, those who have been significantly injured because of the negligence of their employers deserve to receive some sort of financial settlement, especially when working with lawyers who are experienced in mesothelioma cases.

Johnson Law Group

440 Louisiana, Suite 1700 Houston, TX 77002


Reference Book : Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

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What to know about Houston Mesothelioma Lawyers

Millions of American construction, shipyard, railroad, steel mill and aluminum workers have been expose to asbestos, and Houston's mesothelioma lawyers know exposure could result in significant illness or death. Asbestos, a mineral fiber used for its heat-resistant properties, was commonly used in products including building materials, cigarette filters and appliances.

Industrial workers would be exposed to the material on the job and unknowingly expose their families, bringing it home on their clothing, skin and hair. The fibers would affect family members, and some cancer cases have been traced to second-hand exposure.

I haven't worked with asbestos for decades, could I still be at risk?

Damage from asbestos could go undetected for years as the cancer-causing fibers lay in the lining of the lungs or gastrointestinal tract. A qualified Houston Asbestos Attorney can help determine if your ailments are related to asbestos exposure.

How is asbestos harmful?

When asbestos is disturbed or damaged, microscopic fibers become airborne and can be inhaled or swallowed. Some people suffer no effects of exposure; others suffer significant health problems. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer of the lungs, chest or abdomen caused by asbestos exposure. Houston's law firms specializing in mesothelioma can provide additional information about the harm of asbestos exposure.

How do I know if I have a case?

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with an asbestos-related ailment, it's best to contact a Houston attorney specializing in related cases. Cancer of the lungs, stomach, esophogus or colon could be attributed to asbestos exposure. Moreover, if you suffer from a reduced quality of life because of asbestos-related organ scarring, you might also have a case. Many asbestos-related claims have been settled, but if you've recently been diagnosed, consult with one of Houston's legal experts.

What are my rights to compensation?

Companies have tried to hide or diminished the ill effects of asbestos exposure, and several workers were unaware of the risk. If you believe you have been at risk, contact a Houston mesothelioma attorney and get the compensation you deserve.

Video about Houston Mesothelioma Lawyers :

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Finding a Houston Mesothelioma Attorney

These days it is well known fact that Mesothelioma is caused due to the exposure of asbestos. It does not occur accidentally or on its own, somebody is responsible for this and he or she has to back up the victim and his family financially. Asking for compensation money is not easy but, a Houston Mesothelioma Attorney can make it possible. If somebody gets this life threatening disease, an attorney is as important for him as doctor. Since your employer was responsible for your illness, you deserve compensation money from him and therefore, as soon as you diagnose this disease, find an experienced Mesothelioma Attorney in Houston.

While finding an attorney, you must make it sure that, he or she must have through knowledge of the disease, so that he can talk about the medical bills, pain and suffering of the victim. Keep in mind that an experienced and mesothelioma lawyer can get you maximum possible amount from the former employer. Sometimes, your doctor may refer you a lawyer and it is good to trust him rather than just any one picked from telephone directory.

Carefully check the past records and go through number of cases he or she has attempted, how many of them were successful, how many of them were not successful, what was amount he or she could get to the patient as compensation money. All these things matter a lot while choosing an attorney. Make sure, you feel very much comfortable with him because you would have to talk about all the matters with him, whatever could help him in pleading the case in better way.

Don't trust any lawyer at once, talk with many of them from different Law Firms and then decide who can the best for you. Remember, your success directly depends on your Mesothelioma Attorney in Houston. If your decision was wrong, or it was taken in hurry, it may cost you a lot. You can find many experienced attorneys in Houston, as soon as you are diagnosed with Mesothelioma, start searching for a lawyer, who suits you in all the ways, who understands, so that he or she can understand all the requirements.
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